The Technocrat & The Money Press ---> (Cntrl + P)

It has been famously remarked that “deficits don’t matter” and this sentiment has clearly/evidently been echoed throughout the economy since the 1980’s. There are many great articles on this subject matter, easily found by merely copy/pasting the quote in a Google search. Printing money is what led to the economic recovery post 2008 with bank bail-outs, and auto industry bail-outs, etc. Technocrat policies of printing money is what will “save” the economy through the COVID-19 pandemic. Paradoxically, spending is saving

Pontificating about technicalities of monetary policy has caused gut retching confusion and angst among many, myself included. Eric Levitz has written an excellent article on the subject matter titled We’re Paying for Coronavirus Stimulus by Printing Money. And That’s Fine! which clears up much of the mysticism.

So what does that mean for the economy and the housing market? That all remains to be seen but I’d say it will certainly depend on allocation and disbursement…I say again, allocation and disbursement… Where has it gone so far? Well, unemployment is highest since the Great Depression, yet the stock-market is surging…. Those unemployed folk are the current and future real estate market participants, lets not forget. Printing money is only part of the equation.
