News Brief - Q1 2020
Appraisal Institute Opposes Biden’s Input…
AI: “To be quite frank, the assertion that appraisers would systematically undervalue or overvalue real estate due to these factors is absurd and shows a profound misunderstanding of the real estate valuation profession. Appraisers have nothing to gain by such behavior, and in doing so we would lose the hard-fought public trust we have achieved over many, many years.” Read more
UBS: Fed may cut rate three times this year…
As expected, interest rates are expected to be cut several more times just within the next year. Forget fiscal responsibility, these are fiat-times. When home owners have asked me what I make of interest rates over the years, I have always insisted that they will continue to fall. This summarized story reported by housing wire shows exactly that. Read more.
New Homes Started With 4 or More Bedrooms Trends Lower
Here is an article that concisely points out what I continue to report in many of the reports I’ve devised. Bedroom count and population trends. Of course there are some markets and instances that deviate, where demographics defy the statistics. There are no absolutes yet NAHB data is a prominent/credible source. Relative to this statement, without going into further detail, the appraiser’s objective judgment/reconciliation is the final determination, and that final determination is based on extensive market observation. Read more.
Waning Affordability Contributes to Slower Job Growth
As expected, the NAR has complied a study that brings needed attention to the issue of out-of-sync home price increase, jobs, and incomes. This story is relative to my Peak Market Conditions blog entry which I will aim to update this year. Read more.